Monday, May 25, 2009

memorial day

well, it's memorial day.
guess what i've done?
not much.

i got up at 430am, got ready, made a london fog, put my trash out, and drove to 6am prayer.
i scrunched myself into my favorite corner, perfect for 6am's when i'm sleepy, and prayed. Sometimes i just listened to everyone else pray. Mostly I listened to Andrew pray, because he was a couple feet away, and he just prays so "beautifully".
I really do like to listen to him that creepy? I don't think so. Maybe a little...ok. lol.

-let me take a second to be upfront and honest about something, mostly because this stuff is in my mind and i am allowed to say what I want on here and i won't really probably say all of this to any person. I really really really really have never ever felt about someone the way that I feel about Andrew. I'm so glad we're dating. He is seriously best friend and if I had to spend endless hours hanging out with him it wouldn't even be boring or terrible it'd be great. I get sad when we have to leave, and i look forward to every single giant hug and every little stage of this getting-to-know-you-as-my-boyfriend level of things. i love how slow it is. i love that he respects me. i LOVE above all things that he is in love with the Lord and that will always come first. I love that he prays for me. I love that he's a pastor and that he has a vision for DBC Fort Worth that is bigger than all of us and will come to pass. I love that I'm his favorite and that he does adorable things like putting my picture as his phone background and that we text all day long when we don't see each other. He makes me laugh like no one else does, and we are basically two very the same but still completely different people. Anything that any other guy has done in a relationship that would creep me out (even the picture-as-background thing) makes me smile and makes me really happy coming from him. And I've told the Lord over and over that this guy is just way too good for me, that the fact that the Lord would pick someone like this for me is just such a huge incredible honor. i know that there is so much that the Lord has to work on with both of us, and i even love that. i think i'm done with saying all that for now:)

anywho, we sat for a little while after prayer and chatted...i went and had some much-needed Monday post-6am prayer lady time @ starbucks, which was nice because since it's a holiday almost no one was there:) Loves it.

then i went to target, bought a cute dress and a clutch that i think im going to wear to my interview on thursday @ the new Downtown Campus of TCC, and then came home to nap. i woke up with terrible cramps and i pretty much slept away most of this holiday...i haven't been outside since like 10 am. lol...

anywho. i kinda wish i could see bf tonite. i'm working on letting him pursue's rough sometimes, but it's GOOD.

love you.

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